
Top product from February March 01 2019

Sporting tweed brooches


Sporting tweed brooches have proved very popular this February, making great gifts for loved ones or even just for you 😊 with multiple ways of styling them you can either attached to you hat, blazer or waistcoat. Alternatively you can use the slide to pin them into your hair.


If if you prefer our sporting tweed brooches without the cartridge center we also create our brooches with a plain gem center

Top product from January February 01 2019

This year I will be posting our top products bought that month from you the customer, sometimes it will be a color theme and sometimes it will be product based so keep an eye on what’s popular 😊 

January has seen our tweed scruchies become very popular with a multiple selection of colours here are a few that have proved popular with you guys 😊





 more colors available at: